Poor django . i speak like he is an uncontrollable killing machine . i need to apologise to django
He is a great kid .but he does have an excessive prey drive .
He was encouraged to pull down ponies and calves when he was in that other bad place
The place where he was stabbed and kicked and so abused
We have alot of horses and stock around us, and the horses galloping around set him off .
Considering what he has had to endue . he really is a good boy . we just need to get a better larger pen for him
He had the opportunity to do damage last night , but he came staight to mum
He even managed to not retalliate when jedda got him in a head lock .so im very proud of him
He actually panicked when he realised he was on the run . funny boy
So this is my apology to our django .
We love our rescue boy django .